About WSSRA & Our Committees



mountains with snow on them



The Washington State School Retirees’ Association (formerly the Washington State Retired Teachers’ Association) is often referred to as WSSRA. More than 17,000 members belong to WSSRA.

WSSRA aims to enhance the security and vitality of your retirement years. We welcome all present and future TRS, PERS and SERS retirees. We provide pro-retiree and pro-education advocacy and leadership to the Washington State Legislature. We have representatives on governmental bodies that impact retirement and pension issues, and we collaborate and advocate with other groups that share our vision, values, and aims.

We also sponsor pre-retirement seminars throughout the state, award (in cooperation with the PEMCO Insurance Company) substantial scholarships to future teachers, provide classroom grants to active teachers in local schools, and foster volunteer activities with Washington’s school children.



WSSRA provides access to many members-only benefits through the Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA). Special insurance rates, travel discounts and product savings are available to our members.

We consider ourselves educators for life. If you are or have been a certificated or classified school district employee in the state of Washington—from superintendent to school nurse or behavioral psychologist to bus driver—you are welcome at the Washington State School Retirees’ Association. Come in or call us any time!

Legistlative Committee

The WSSRA State Legislative Committee lobbies the Washington State Legislature and works with Association members to promote public policy benefiting retirees. Membership on the committee is open to all WSSRA members, and carries the following duties:

  • Attending committee meetings in Olympia during the Washington State legislative session.
  • Working as a volunteer lobbyist and representing all WSSRA members from the the committee member’s coordinating council region.
  • Attending regional coordinating council meetings to report on WSSRA legislative activities.
  • Conveying legislative and political information to local school retiree units and WSSRA members within their coordinating council region.

About Our Service Committees


The Health Services Committee shall:

  • Participate in meetings three times each year. One in the fall, one for our Service Committee work session in April and in June at the state convention
  • Attend Coordinating Council meetings for the District represented
  • Report Health Services Committee activities to local Unit Presidents/Health Chairpersons, and disseminate information as needed
  • Review committee policies, procedures, goals, and committee member job description yearly
  • Write health education articles for the WSSRA JOURNAL
  • Attend Senior Issue Conferences and workshops when possible [BD 04/13]
Washington state capitol close up of the dome

The Membership Committee shall: 

  • Assist local units to increase membership
  • Promote local and state membership
  • Promote participation in dues deduction program
  • Abide by rules of confidentiality of WSSRA membership lists

The Retirement Planning Committee shall: 

Assist Units to organize local Retirement Planning Committees and to support and guide these Unit Committees in carrying out their roles, and to update the Retirement Planning guide on a yearly basis by insertion or revision.

Retirement Planning Guide